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About / FAQ

LossLink was founded by a mother whose first baby, a beautiful little boy named Brody, was stillborn at 37 weeks. In the midst of the excruciating pain of his death, she found her close circle to be very supportive but lacking in truly understanding her needs. She needed other moms who just “got it” because they had experienced similar losses. She sought out other mothers who had gone through a stillbirth experience. It was with these moms that she felt validated in her pain, seen for the horrible reality she now lived in, and was given guidance on how to live life again, carrying her baby with her.

When she later had a living baby, she found that her experience of motherhood was forever altered by her loss. Seeking insight from anyone other than someone who experienced a profound loss just didn’t make sense. So, she has continued to maintain conversations and friendships with multiple loss moms in all of life’s phases after baby death.

Bereaved moms, or “loss moms,” are the only ones who truly understand life after the loss of a baby or child. Nothing is the same after such a loss, especially for the parents. Everything changes, from trying to conceive again (TTC) to pregnancy after loss (PAL), parenting after loss, career changes, moving homes, dating, and raising children who are also grieving. Life is different for loss moms, and it can be incredibly isolating.

Frustrated by the existing spaces for “normal” moms and even being excluded from some for “scaring” others with her story, she realized that loss moms need their own space. A place where they can find each other, connect, get information, and navigate life without their babies. Thus, LossLink was created—a dedicated space for loss moms to support one another and share their journeys.

Life is strange after tragic, out of order loss. You begin to see everything through a different lens—a lens shaped by loss, where you have become the 1 in the heartbreaking statistic. You are now a different person, with a different thought process and different expectations. This change affects every aspect of your life: your job, your relationships, your religion, your faith, and the very core of who you are. Even if you’ve navigated these changes and moved into a new phase, sometimes the opinions of those who haven’t experienced your loss just don’t matter. You need insight from someone who has felt what you’ve felt and seen what you’ve seen.

You’re also looking for guidance on how to handle this new life of loss or the phase you are in. Are you doing this right? How does one grieve? How do I honor my baby? Are there others who have had the same experience? These are probably some of the questions you’re asking yourself.

Maybe you’ve been on this journey for a while now and want to help others. You’ve experienced life after loss and life with loss, so you can guide those who are new to this. You might not be actively seeking others out, but you are here so that others can find you for help. This is how we parent our babies when they are gone.
Or maybe you’ve been living with loss for a while but have entered a new phase where you need companionship to navigate it.

Community is everything and while we may all fall under the category of pregnancy, baby or child loss, there are many layers and details to it. We need to connect with others who have experienced something similar.
At LossLink, you can find people all over the world to connect with, or even those nearby to grab a coffee or a cocktail with. Both are important to our healing journey.

All of this deserves its own space. Here, you can safely express your thoughts, ask questions, and talk about your baby without “scaring” others.
You won’t be censored or taken down like in some groups, and you won’t hear comments about how you should “get over it.” (If anyone does make such comments, they will be removed. We have a zero-tolerance policy.)

Use this space to find others with similar losses to connect with. This is your space to do what you need to survive the loss of your baby and to figure out how to navigate this life. There’s no support like the support of a momma who gets it.

I’m so sorry you’re here, but I’m happy you found us.

LossLink is a search tool and a way to connect with mothers who have similar experiences.

You can create a profile with all the information you want others to know about you, making it easier for them to find you.

You can search for details to connect with other mothers who have had similar losses or who are in a similar phase of life after loss. These connections can lead to direct messaging, where you can share photos, links, and even voice notes, making communication easy—something we all need!

LossLink also allows you to start discussions on topics where you need insight. Here, you can share thoughts, experiences, photos, and links to help educate or support others.

A unique feature of this website is the ability to search for moms in your town. Yes, you can have those wonderfully weird but deeply meaningful happy hours or coffee dates in your local city. It’s so important to spend time with others who get it. That hug from a fellow loss mom is everything!

Your profile is the key to being findable on LossLink. Include all the information you want others to know about you and connect with you about.

  • Type of Loss: Specify the type of loss you have experienced.
  • Phase of Loss Life: Indicate your current phase, such as TTC after loss, PAL (Pregnancy After Loss), Parenting after loss, etc.
  • Location: Include your location so you can connect with others in your town. (Hello, happy hours with fellow loss mommas!)
  • Age: Age can also be helpful for connecting with others in a similar life stage, so feel free to include that.

For your story, include all the keywords you’d want to connect about or that you want to appear in search results. This is how others will find you when they search looking to connect! Remember, this story can be updated as you go through different phases of loss life.

  • Complete Your Profile: Make sure your profile includes all the information you want others to know about you.
  • Use Detailed Search Criteria: Ensure your search includes all the details you want to connect about with another mom. You can even search in a specific city or state to find local loss moms!
  • Connect and Wait for a Response: Once you find Loss Moms you want to chat with, hit “connect” and wait for their response.
  • Open a Chat: After they choose to connect with you, this will open up a chat where you can share pictures, links, and voice notes.

In this safe space, loss moms have countless questions and are seeking guidance from others who have been there. They are looking for support and companionship in the lonely reality after baby and child loss. In other apps or groups, loss moms often get shamed for “scaring” other moms with their stories (so annoying). But here, you can start a topic to chat about, and others can share their insights.

Search for the topic you want information on, and if you don’t see it, start your own!

When navigating life after your profound loss, we seek out insight from others who have done it before or who are currently doing it. This insight from the same loss lens is incredibly helpful. Use the discussions to find the information you need and connect with loss moms everywhere who share the same mindset.

At this time, the LossLink community is only available on the web at, but you can still add LossLink to your phone’s home screen to use it like an app!

Please follow these instructions to add LossLink to your phone’s home screen:

For iOS (iPhone or iPad)

  1. Open Safari: Navigate to in the Safari browser. Note: This method works only in Safari; other browsers like Chrome or Firefox do not support this feature on iOS.
  2. Tap the Share Button: At the bottom of the screen, tap the share icon (a square with an arrow pointing upwards).
  3. Select “Add to Home Screen”: Scroll through the options and tap “Add to Home Screen.”
  4. Customize the Name (Optional): You can edit the name that will appear under the icon on your homescreen if you want. By default, it will be “LossLink.”
  5. Tap “Add”: In the upper right corner, tap “Add.”
  6. Find the Icon on Your Homescreen: The LossLink icon should now appear on your homescreen. Tap it to access the site directly.

For Android

  1. Open Chrome: Navigate to in the Chrome browser. This method works similarly in other browsers like Firefox, but the steps may vary slightly.
  2. Tap the Menu Button: In the upper right corner, tap the menu button (three vertical dots).
  3. Select “Add to Home Screen”: From the dropdown menu, select “Add to Home screen.”
  4. Customize the Name (Optional): You can edit the name that will appear under the icon on your homescreen if you want. By default, it will be “LossLink.”
  5. Tap “Add”: Confirm the addition by tapping “Add” or “Add Automatically” in the pop-up dialog.
  6. Find the Icon on Your Homescreen: The LossLink icon should now appear on your homescreen. Tap it to access the site directly.